Below is a link to the power standards and proficiency scales that have been developed in CCSD2.
Power Standards
Teachers in the district teach to all Wyoming Content and Performance Standards, but power standards (also known as priority standards) are tracked closely using multiple data points, to inform instruction and highlight essential skills and knowledge. Power standards are determined with help from WDE Blueprints, as well as teacher knowledge and experience.
Power standard examples:
Proficiency Scales
Proficiency scales are used to collect data points for tracking student performance with power standards. Scores on a proficiency scale range from 0 (no attempt made) to 4 (advanced proficiency with a standard). A score of 3 is considered “proficient” with a standard, meaning that a student understands the knowledge or skill of that standard. Proficiency scales are tiered to inform instruction and help students increase their skills and abilities with a particiular standard. For more specific examples, please view a proficiency scale included in one of the links below.